Hypertension is a cardiovascular syndrome with elevated systemic circulation arterial pressure as its main clinical manifestation, which often coexists with other cardiovascular disease risk factors and is an important cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease risk factor, it can damage the structure and function of human heart, brain, kidney and other important organs, and eventually lead to failure or even death of these organs. It is a chronic disease, frequently-occurring disease and lifelong disease.
In recent years, the risk factors leading to the rise of blood pressure of Chinese residents are increasing, such as smoking, harmful drinking, high fat, high salt diet, insufficient physical activity, overweight and obesity, etc, men are more serious about these unhealthy lifestyles. In addition, the pace of modern life is fast, young people are under great pressure, do not like sports, and pay low attention to health, which makes hypertension become younger.
We have reached a consensus that early treatment, early benefit, long-term treatment and long-term benefit should be advocated for hypertension. The main methods for treating hypertension mainly include adhering to a healthy lifestyle and taking antihypertensive drugs. The former is the foundation, while the latter is the key. Neither is dispensable.
Healthy lifestyle includes: reasonable diet, moderate exercise, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction, and peaceful mentality, which are also the "four cornerstones of health" recommended by World Health Organization (WHO) ".
So, how to take antihypertensive drugs correctly?
First of all, according to the pathological and physiological characteristics, course progress and complications of different patients, different drugs and different doses are adopted, unless there is generally no need to reduce blood pressure sharply in emergency situations, especially for the elderly, it is advisable to gradually reduce blood pressure.
Secondly, hypotension should start from the minimum effective dose to reduce the occurrence of adverse reactions.
Third, give priority to the application of long-acting preparations. Try to use long-acting drugs that are administered once a day and have antihypertensive effect lasting for 24 hours. Stable control of blood pressure within 24 hours can effectively control morning blood pressure, prevent the occurrence of malignant cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events. This is because hypertension patients often have morning blood pressure fluctuations, 4-6 in the morning is the period of high incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, morning blood pressure rises sharply, will induce acute myocardial infarction, malignant cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events such as sudden death and stroke.
Fourth, advocate early use of two or more drugs combined treatment, which can not only improve the antihypertensive effect, make intractable hypertension antihypertensive standard, but also reduce the dosage of each drug, to reduce the corresponding adverse reactions of each drug, especially to protect important organs such as heart, brain and kidney more effectively and prevent adverse events.
Fifth, it is not appropriate to change the treatment plan frequently, and life-long antihypertensive treatment is needed.
Sixth, hypertension patients should choose the most suitable drugs according to their own diseases and economic conditions, so as to achieve long-term economic sustainability of medication. Because expensive medicine is not necessarily the best, only suitable for oneself is the best.
Finally, if it can realize the establishment of good communication between doctors and patients, let patients and their families participate in the formulation of treatment plan, emphasize on taking medicine on time, explain the possible side effects in the treatment process and encourage patients to self-test blood pressure at home. These measures will also provide very useful help for the treatment of hypertension.
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