Sometimes your blood pressure is on the high side, but when you go to the hospital, the doctor says it’s not high blood pressure. Other Times, the blood pressure on your blood pressure monitor is perfectly normal, but the doctor tells you that you have high blood pressure.
Why is that? A lot of people are confused. But the answer is actually quite simple. Hypertension is a complex disease, when the onset, there are many clinical symptoms, high blood pressure is only one of the most important. Hypertension is certainly high blood pressure, but people have a lot of reasons for high blood pressure, such as anxious angry, depressed mood, other organ dysfunction, not necessarily caused by hypertension.
To determine whether you have high blood pressure, you need to pay extra attention to the following common symptoms of high blood pressure.
Brain symptoms
Dizziness is one of the main symptoms of hypertension, the location for the brain, when the onset of more than for the persistence of dizziness and discomfort, with the saying goes, is heavy head.
There are many reasons for dizziness, blood pressure medication withdrawal, excessive fatigue, strong mood swings, sudden squatting or sudden standing may induce dizziness symptoms. In general, in hypertensive brain disease, dizziness is the most slight, if the condition is slightly worse, dizziness will become headache. The headache caused by high blood pressure is not a sharp, transient sharp pain but a persistent dull pain or throbbing pain. Most of the pain is in the back of the head and in the temple, diagonally above the corner of the eye. The more advanced, hypertensive headache frequency will be shorter, duration will be longer, serious still can be accompanied by vomiting, nausea and other symptoms.
Cardiac symptoms
In the early stages of hypertension, the heart functions normally and there are usually no obvious complications. In the middle and late stages of hypertension, with the patient’s blood pressure continuously rising for a long time, the heart vessels are compressed and the burden on the heart continues to increase, the heart muscle can become hypertrophic and the left ventricle can dilate as a result, causing myocardial ISCHEMIA, Arrhythmia, and external manifestations such as tightness in the chest and palpitations.
Kidney symptoms
Many people who have been suffering from high blood pressure for a long time have poor kidney function.
As we all know, the human body is a sophisticated and complex system, each “part” has a myriad of intricate, complex connections. When blood pressure goes up, the pressure on the whole system goes up, the pressure on the blood vessels goes up, and the renal arterioles are no exception. Once or twice is fine, but repeated stress can lead to hardening of the renal arterioles, and even if it doesn’t cause arteriosclerosis, long-term stress can lead to impaired kidney function. Frequent urination, nocturnal urination, uremia, azotemia are symptoms of renal dysfunction.
Other symptoms
In addition to these symptoms, common symptoms of hypertension are tinnitus and bleeding.
The tinnitus caused by hypertension is not one ear tinnitus, but two ears tinnitus. The blunted sound of “buzzing” and the cicada-like sound are the most common sounds heard by patients with tinnitus. In general, high blood pressure induced tinnitus duration is very long, some up to 1 minute, the longest even more than 5 minutes.
In addition, high blood pressure is likely to lead to subtle blood vessel rupture, and once the blood vessel rupture, the body will produce bleeding symptoms.
The most common symptom of hemorrhage in patients with hypertension is nosebleed, that is, nosebleed. In rare cases, especially in severe cases, conjunctival hemorrhage, eyeground hemorrhage and even cerebral hemorrhage may occur.
Many people with high blood pressure, especially the younger patients, after the discovery of their illness, the degree of attention is generally not high enough, some people even feel that high blood pressure is also no matter, this idea is undoubtedly quite dangerous. Over the past decade, the number of people killed or maimed by heart cerebrovascular disease (myocardial infarction, arteriosclerosis, stroke) caused by the “three high”(high blood pressure, high blood sugar and high blood fat) has remained high, the survey showed. It is no exaggeration to say, “three high” is an invisible butcher’s knife, hypertension is this butcher’s knife the sharpest blade. If you do not want to be cut by this butcher knife, there is only one way: Early Detection, early diagnosis, early prevention, early treatment.
High Blood Pressure. Do you feel it? If the answer is yes, go to the hospital and get checked out.
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