High incidence of hypertension, and cardiovascular complications and cerebrovascular complications are closely related. There are a lot of statistics, about 40% of myocardial infarction is related to hypertension, cerebrovascular accident-related higher up to 70% , hypertension has been a lot of research, here to introduce the relationship between skin and hypertension.
It is well known that the skin is actually the largest organ of the body, accounting for about 60 to 70 percent of our body area. What does high blood pressure have to do with the skin? This is mainly from the point of view of high blood pressure and how much salt intake, it’s almost common sense that high blood pressure is caused by eating too much salt. The idea is based on the fact that when salt enters the body, it stays in the blood vessels or between tissue cells because it can’t get into the cells, in the blood vessels called the first compartment and the second compartment is the second compartment, whether it’s in the first or Second Chamber of the body, it’s bound to an anion, which is chloride, which is sodium chloride. Of course, when sodium and chlorine enter through the intestinal epithelium, they enter through different mechanisms, sodium chloride has a osmotic nature, because of this characteristic, it must be combined with water in the body. With too much sodium, the more sodium chloride, the more blood volume. It has been calculated that for every 140 sodium salt in the body, there must be 11 times as much water to match it in order to achieve osmotic balance. The first important component of blood pressure is cardiac output, which is closely related to blood volume, so it’s easy to understand that too much salt and high blood pressure are common.
Physiologically speaking, there has been a long standing acceptance of the stress sodium theory. In the late 1970s, the renowned physiologist Guyton proposed that the body must maintain a sodium balance, which is achieved by changes in blood pressure and the kidney’s response to sodium excretion. According to this theory, sodium intake often changes, but because the corresponding osmotic pressure changes in a timely manner cause an immediate change in blood pressure, thus temporarily raising blood pressure, that is to say, too much sodium in the increased blood pressure under the timely discharge from the urine. This reaction can occur instantaneously, so the blood pressure measured is actually the result of an instantaneous and timely change, which seems to be relatively stable. High Blood Pressure may be only mild and temporary if the kidney condition is mild, and may persist if the kidney condition is severe. This situation is very similar to what we would normally say clinically, so the analysis of Guyton’s stress-sodium relationship dominates many years of knowledge about hypertension.
However, over the years both basic science and clinicians have found some phenomena that are difficult to explain in Guyton’s theory, such as the fact that people are not as sensitive to salt as they are to high blood pressure, and that some people are less sensitive to salt, others are particularly sensitive to high blood pressure caused by too much salt, but the same amount of salt can easily lead to high blood pressure, of course, only in a certain range of salt intake differences. Hypertension occurs regardless of salt tolerance or salt sensitivity if excessive salt intake is exceeded.
According to Guyton, it is theoretically possible to calculate how much salt is eaten, and the Body pressure-sodium excretion curve can be measured, but later, with very sophisticated calculations, there is often a gap between what is actually calculated and what is predicted, urinate out of the NACL, and according to this theory designed formula should also be expressed out of the same two. There are a number of trends: less timely emissions, and less total emissions than predicted. Later people simply use long-term observation of sodium intake and excretion, even in a population for nearly half a year, and found that the relationship between sodium excretion and sodium intake is not as simple as thought, in fact, the body’s salt excretion is periodic, that is, a lot of a lot of emissions, there is a lot of emissions. In addition, in addition to blood volume, many vascular resistance changes and blood pressure levels also have an important impact. It was found that there must be other mechanisms involved in the sodium homeostasis besides the change of blood volume caused by the change of Osmotic pressure after the sodium ions bind to chloride ions.
Some people notice that the skin. It is well known that changes in temperature affect the skin significantly, and these changes are based on changes in blood flow and the degree of vasodilation. For example, blood flow to the skin can be reduced to about 8% of the body when it is very cold (normally about 20%) , but the skin can be very red after the summer sun, and about 60% of the body can reach the skin. So a storage equivalent to the body as to maintain the stability of the same can be agreed.
The skin is basically two layers of tissue. The outer layer of the epidermis is relatively intact and is made up of epithelial cells, mainly to protect it from foreign invaders, but the subcutaneous tissue is actually a very rich and complex tissue with many blood vessels, there is another layer in these endothelium that is rich in Gluconin and Collagen, which has a strong negative charge due to its chemical structure and can bind directly to NA + . Thus, the sodium salt combined in this form is not the OSMOTIC PRESSURE RELATED SODIUM SALT!
In fact, the amount of impermeable combined sodium under the skin can exceed 20 percent of the body’s total sodium, even more in people who consume more sodium, according to a variety of new tests, because it is non-permeable and does not necessarily bind to water, it can be a rather large buffer organ for sodium metabolism. The thicker skin of men and the thinner skin of women has led to many studies on the effects of salt intake on hypertension in men and women. As a result of these trends, salt intake has less of an effect on blood pressure in men. It can be assumed that men have thicker skin, so that men are more likely than women (with thinner skin) to have greater non-osmotic storage of sodium than women. Eat a little more salt can be combined with non-permeable sodium ions more, so the impact of hypertension than women slightly less, women, especially in the use of contraceptives, salt intake more prone to hypertension. Other diseases that are prone to high blood pressure include diabetes, chronic kidney disease, and other diseases, as well as specific ethnic groups that are particularly prone to high blood pressure, such as African Americans, they also had different levels of sodium under their skin than the rest of the population. More recent applications of more sophisticated methods, including isotope mass spectrometry and post-carbonation analysis of small patches of skin, have demonstrated the existence of these differences.
There have been important advances in research recently. It was also found that the presence of salt was accompanied by changes in the subcutaneous lymphatic vessels. Normal people after more salt intake, the skin’s lymphatic vessels increased a lot, that is to say, the salt into the lymphatic vessels can be returned to circulation; on the contrary, salt intake caused by high blood pressure more sensitive people or patients, this alteration in the number of lymphatic vessels is caused by an increase in a localized type C Vascular endothelial growth factor. It was also found that this change was due to the accumulation of glucose glycosides in the skin, a non permeable sodium salt that can attract macrophage, a special receptor on these cells binds to the salt and is responsible for the C Vascular endothelial growth factor. The proliferation of lymphatic vessels in the skin then drains the sodium accumulated under the skin into the circulation of the whole body, so the number of lymphatic vessels, the amount of non-permeable sodium ions stored under the skin is also related to the difference between salt-sensitive and salt-tolerant hypertension. In summary, a portion of sodium-sensitive hypertension may be associated with abnormalities in the skin, an alternative sodium buffer pool.
A number of subsequent studies on hypertension, particularly in salt-sensitive hypertensive patients, have shown that this buffering is less effective under the skin and thus more sensitive to changes in blood volume, blood pressure increases and fluctuates more sensitively. In fact, impermeable sodium ions under the skin can pass through the central nervous system, causing changes in many factors related to changes in the neurohumoral system involved in blood pressure regulation. In addition to Vegf, it has also been shown to produce NO. The latter can affect the relaxation of sodium ion drainage to the systemic circulation by controlling the dilation of lymphatic vessels. The production of NO can also influence systemic vasodilation through lymphatic circulation to control Vascular resistance function, which not only determines volume but also determines vascular compliance, the latter, of course, is another factor in determining blood pressure. More recently, it has been found that the ability of Glucoside esters and sodium ions to bind on the skin is actually closely related to the factors induced by Hypoxia, because the contraction and expansion of many blood vessels under the skin under severe changes of cold and heat, apparently, it can alter the local oxygen supply. The effect of this mechanism on blood pressure is being noticed. Further details on non-permeable sodium ions and hypertension will be covered in due course.
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